Sunday, February 27
> SunSetBay!

Originally uploaded by Xuanny. Joanna and I met up as promised for our tanning session today. The weather wasnt good, but aint that bad either. Only till the end of the day, maybe not, to the end of our day rather, it started to pour really heavily. Jo and I had decided to leave already, so the rain came at the right time i supposed.
The rays aint that blazing afterall, but i guess i still managed to get a little browner or maybe a little blacker cos i didnt apply the tanning oil. Too lazy to do so, moreover the sun is hiding behind the clouds most of the time.
Took the mat for free cos Andy's working today. lol. I feel so bad. We got sick of lying there trying to sleep, so we went to kayak. Free of charge of cos.
About 3 groups of guys approached us today, but we said we were attached and continued with our tanning. However, chatted a little to a group of guys who approached me for help in taking a picture for them. Its pretty weird but whatever, Jo attracts guys like butterflies. lol.
Anyway, tomorrow is the releasing of O levels results. Good luck to meimei, Shalyn, Meiting, Andre, Liangwu and others who will be getting em. Ive been through this terrible day. So fear not, what you reap is what you sow. All the best my beloved.
Good news, he's discharged i guess. Less worried now. Thank God.
Im feeling very sleepy, but i wanna study. This is bad. I think im going to sleep lahh. =x
sealed-with-a-kiss < 9:53:00 pm
Saturday, February 26
> Love my ladyz.

Originally uploaded by Xuanny. Its 5.30 pm on a fine Saturday. The weather's good, a good day to sleep but definately a bad one to tann. The weather had better be good tomorrow cos im going SunSetBay with dear Joanna for a good brown tann.
Well lets see, my agenda for today was to finish up my Microeconomics article, complete Psychology quiz, prepare Psychology presentation slides and complete most of my tutorials for next week. Unfortunately, i have not touched on any of the above but instead, scanned and uploaded pictures which i took with my ladyz yesterday.
It was one helluva fun day though the night ended quite abruptly. Been long since the 3 of us hang out together. Im so glad everyone's making an effort to keep it going and hopefully the olden days would return. Im waiting for those carefree days, fun fun and more fun.
FA2 test ended at about 6.30pm. I guess i screwed the paper. Took my own sweet time down to town to meet Lyn and Ting who had been wondering around and waiting for me to arrive with their very empty tummy. Arrived at only 8pm, rushed for food. At the foodcourt in Cineleisure, i received a SMS which ive been waiting for days. It shocked me cos something which i hope it wouldnt happen, actually happened. I lost my appetite, the hunger and desire to eat vanished like immediately. I teared, i was worried, my heart was pounding. I misunderstood him initially and now i felt so guilty. But why am i feeling this way? I do not know, i only know that this is not love. I do not love, but it is also not something common and natural. Its something more, but i do not know. Getting a little confused? It doesnt really matter.
I hope you get well soon, may your platelets increase quickly and be discharge close to immediately. Take good care, cos i dont want anything to happen to you. xoxo .
Anyway, I wanted to watch 'A Moment to Remember' but Ting had watched it twice. The movie is ending soon, and i dont wanna miss it cos its good. Like 'The Notebook', i missed it so this time im going to catch it. But it seems like everyone had caught that flick. All except me. =( Then, i wanted to watch 'Hide and Seek' cos i think its good though some said it sucks. That's because they are stupid people who thought it was a ghost flick when its obviously a Psychotic thriller. I love such movies so i wanna catch it but both Ting and Lyn had caught it and ta-dah, i guess im going to miss it again. Gonna find people to catch it with me really soon. So, i thought maybe we could catch 'White Noise' but Lyn's boyfriend Mr Kevin had booked her for that movie. argh. But things aint that bad, Ting and I caught 'Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events'. It was good. I enjoyed the movie lots.
So the movie ended at about 1+am. Chilled at Rocky Master with Lyn while waiting for her dad to arrive to send her home. Ting left with her cousins first and i had to go home alone. Imagine taking the mid-night cab alone, omg. Its more than 10 bucks. Iyoyo, no money can! Good thing was i saw Nicky who happened to go home soon too. So we shared the cab and left Cineleisure at about 2.30am.
My ladyz and i took lotsa pictures as ive mentioned above. You can view em
here. Its 10 minutes to 6pm and ive done none of the stuffs im supposed to do. This is quite bad.
Lotsa things running through my mind. Am i supposed to feel disheartened that you only messaged me 3 days after you've been hospitalised. Or should i feel glad that you actually remembered me and messaged me that you will MIA for awhile. I really dont know. But i guess Jeffrey is right, i shouldnt rush into things. And i bet the phobia of falling in love and getting into a relationship is still at a very high level. And i do not intend to overcome that phobia at the meantime.
Feeling kinda sleepy now, bed time? or should i hit the books? =]
sealed-with-a-kiss < 5:55:00 pm
Thursday, February 24
Its early in the morning now, supposed to be preparing for school but i dont intend to put a single make-up today, not even the basic sun block lotion to prevent more pigmentation and freckles.
Im getting sick of waking up at 7am daily, take a 10 minutes lonley walk to the bus stop, a 40 minutes butt-aching bus ride and attend several hours of boring lectures and tutorials, not forgetting the endless pile of projects and assignments.
Mosquitos are everywhere, the risk of getting dengue is getting higher. Everyone is afraid and paranoid over that, while i hope to actually get it. Since young, i feel very negative towards life. I felt that life is just a game and i hope i could end the game as soon as possible. At a mere age of 12, life is but just a plain and boring pavement i got to endure and walk through. I hope it ends soon. Im jaded of combing through the walkway of life, finding something to satisfy me and hitting my goals.
Suicide came across my mind a million times, maybe not. But definately about 30 times at least. Label me whatever you wish, but i was too afraid of actually doing it. I cant bring myself to kill myself, this is just too horrible. So i always hope i'll get knocked down by a vehicle while crossing the road, or get affected by some diseases, or even, having cancer. So at a point of time, i refused to give up smoking and i was a pretty heavy smoker. This sounds like crap, i know i know.
Im not a saint, neither am i perfect. I have flaws and so do you. Please stop looking at me with coloured lens and passing untrue or un-nice remarks about me. I dont need that kinda advertisement. Gossiping and bitching about is a human nature. I agree, but do not use me as your topic or object. I dont need that kinda "honour".
See, im thinking too much again. I dont even hear rumours about me, though i know pretty well that there are people talking behind my back. It happens all the time. I admit im not that socialble, i dont really enjoy making new friends cos i dont see a point. But at least im trying very hard to open up and smile at people even if they are just hi-bye friends. At least im trying very hard to make new friends and be more loved by others.
Yay, so much for wasting my morning away so i can go to school now. I think im just crapping lah, so ignore the above. I was just trying to pass time. Good morning and have a good day.
I hate to care for people who doesnt bother about my existence, thanks for ignoring me. I'll be trying my very best to ignore you too.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 7:34:00 am
Monday, February 21
> Please take care of your health.
I personally felt that today's OB presentation was a blast and im so glad that all our efforts pay off. It was really good. Good job everyone! Now that's 2 more things off my projects and im only left with Psychology and Microecons before the semester exams. Every thing is going way too fast for me, im trying very hard to catch up.
And of cos, im a very happy girl today. Because last night, Ting and I sorta had a good talk about all the unhappiness and problems we try to cover up for the past 1 or 2 months. At last everything is cleared and settled, i hope we can be like the last time again. lovelove.
Had facial today after tutorial. That's it. Its so freaking painful, like whats new and i cant take it anymore! But still, people with no natural beauty will have to sacrifice. =( Alamak, my forehead has all the small dots again. Damn irritating.
Oh yah, i cooked dinner today for the family. Every single thing done by me alone. And its all my favourite dishes! Dinner was good man. Everything was cleared, no leftovers at all. Now im beginning to see how good a housewife i'll be when i grow up. wahhahaah. And this reminds me, when i was young, Mummy asked me what my ambition was. I said out loud, beaming with happiness "I wanna be a housewife!" The next thing i know, mummy was reprimending me that i have no goal in life and i was lousy. dangs.
Im going to start my revision now. Tired tired.
Oh yes, i hope you're feeling better and byebye to fever as soon as possible. Nono to dengue and hello to the healthy you. Please take care. xoxo
sealed-with-a-kiss < 10:53:00 pm
Sunday, February 20
> Thinking of the past
Yesterday before i left to town to meet up with my bestie, i finally dared to double click on Douglas's nick in msn. No idea why i did that, but i did that. I still could not understand nor come up with a valid reason why "we" ended just like that. And i could still remember very clearly, we (at least i do) had a very enjoyable time at Sentosa. Okay, maybe not in Sentosa itself cos he practically played volleyball all the way, leaving me alone to rot with JingYang, then Kiam, then Jeffrey. BUT, the bus ride was more than enjoyable, it was, to me, romantic and unforgettable.
At that point of time, with my head resting on his shoulders and his head on my head, i felt blessed and loved cos its been a long long long long time since i am so close to a guy. I thought things would turn out better, especially after going through so much with him. But no, things went totally to the opposite direction. We stopped talking, we stopped msn-ing, we stopped sms-ing, we practically stopped contacting and i bet, he stopped thinking and loving me.
As usual, the-play-hard-to-get-me, decided to see how long it takes for him to talk to me without me talking to him. So as days went by, longer and longer, 1 week passed, 2 weeks passed, 1 month passed, and soon..2 months. Everything ended just like that. I knew it, i knew he had stopped loving me since a long time ago. But i refused to accept it, and i continued to believe in him, believe in myself, believe in love. We drifted, i live in denial, while he continue to look for other preys to tackle on.
The conversation goes like that yesterday :
Me: Hey, not going out?
Him: Later..
Me: Black?
Him: Ya..
Me: As what's new right?
Him: You not going out?
Me: Soon..going to town.
Him: Go out with your bf?
Me: Yup..meeting my best friend. hahahha
Him: ....
Then he started telling me about his new ipod and uploading of songs. No idea why but we started talking about more serious stuffs.
Me: I just dont understand you
Him: Nobody can ever understand me
Me: I tried, and i gave up trying
Him: Why do you want to understand me in the first place?
Me: (I wanted to say cos i love you, but i decided not to. So i said..) It doesnt really matter anymore anyway..
Me: Im going out now, bye.
You know, it really hurts to know when he is in love again. With that, i present to you,
Christina Milian - It Hurts When. (Just the chorus part)
"It hurts when I thought I had gotten over youIt hurts when together forever won't come trueIt hurts when one broken heart is how it ends'cause it hurts to know that you are in love again"
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:16:00 pm
Thursday, February 17
This entry is specially dedicated to all the people around me.
Im sorry for being so demanding and domineering these days, ive no idea why but i flare up really easily and i want things to be done my way. I know a number of you people aint happy with my behaviour and attitude. Im really sorry. I guess its all the accumulated stress over the nearing deadlines and all. My temper have been bad, and at times i use really harsh words. So sorry my friends, i hope you humans understand the amount of stress and pressure im going through. And i hope you people know who you are. All of you who ive hurt and shouted at. Im sorry.
And to the A&F casts, well done everyone. I know its sad when we witnessed the wonders of the CMM casts and from other diplomas. But humans, do not compare and compete. We've done our best and we're not cut out to perform and act. So please please, do not feel inferior of yourself. Whether or not the audiences enjoy and participate, just do what we deem fit and i guess thats good enough. Hip hip hoorays!
I need a good rest today before i continue my ardous journey again tomorrow. Too many things to do, too little time. Life's a chore.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 9:16:00 pm
Wednesday, February 16
> TP has retarded school rules.

Originally uploaded by Xuanny. This was taken just an hour ago when i met up with my babes at Parkway for dinner. I look really different compared to a year ago, dont i? (refer to the other pictures below. scroll
I swear this week is the busiest week ever. Im in school like most of the time and i'll never leave the school anytime before 6pm cos ive so much so much projects to rush and rehearsals for the open house skit tomorrow. How i wish there are like more than 24 hours a day. I dont even have time to revise and complete my tutorials, talk about having a good rest and replenish my beauty sleep. -pouts-
I just got home not too long ago, havent even took my bath yet. Overwhelmed with fatigue, and i still gotta start my FA2 tutorials right after my bath. I hope my eyelids behave and stay open.
Anyway, today, in the midst of my Econs tutorial, 3 idiots disrupted the lesson and had a spot check on our attire. I didnt get caught, but many of my friends did. Its so ridiculous that they define their attire as inappropriate. Cant even wear racer back to school? omg. Looks like i gotta change my wardrobe like totally to fit and comply to the new stupid retarded dress code. Its freaking ridiculous. And if you humans have brains and common sense, a good sense of touch to feel and eyes to perceive, DONT YOU KNOW THAT THE WEATHER IS SO FREAKING SCORCHING THESE DAYS? Its killing me. I love to tann, but this kinda sun can kill! And with common sense, people, especially girls, would like to wear a little lesser cos the weather is too terrifying. What do those people expect from us? Tell me, how about wrapping ourselves up like an eskimo? Would that satisfy your redundant and exaggerating new f-uped rule? HUH?!
Feel my wrath humans, feel em. I felt unjust for my fellow schoolmates who got warned, some even had their matric card confiscated. Its so ridiculous and retarded and i know ive repeated that many times, but still..its totally unreasonable! -fans myself-
Anyway, met up with my god-brother, Kenny for lunch at Biz park today. Yay! So long since we met and had a meal together. Misses him so much he thought i was mad. I treat him even better than how i treat my real brother, and we're much much closer than the latter. Hello Kenny, i know you're reading this. Just wanna tell you i love you! as a brother la duh.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 11:07:00 pm
Originally uploaded by Xuanny. im posing. but that's not the point. And many of my new friends whom i met after i had my haircut wasnt willing to believe i looked like that a year back. damn.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 10:43:00 pm
Originally uploaded by Xuanny. I know i look damn bitchy in this, but this was how i looked like one year ago, am missing it already.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 10:41:00 pm
My dear friends, please tell me i am not fat. =(
Looking at my past pictures, when i had long hair, when i was still slim (at least slimmer than now), when i had totally no pimples at all. Wah lau, when can i ever go back to the older days. Mr Edwin said "why suddenly put on so much weight, if im your boyfriend i sure starve you till you become slim." Thanks ah Edwin, thanks.
wah lau! Am i really that fat or not? =(
sealed-with-a-kiss < 12:48:00 am
Monday, February 14
Happy Valentine's Day to all lovers out there, i love my friends too.
Yup and as usual, i didnt go out on date nor did i celebrate Valentine's Day. It was not because i had no date, but because i chose not to. To me, it is a day just for my special someone, the one i love with all my heart, the one who is most important to me in my life, my boyfriend. But no, no boyfriend this year as well, so i rather spend this day alone. Im really very sorry, i cancelled the date at the very last minute last night. But we will catch a movie another day alright? =)
Year by year, 14th of February dont seem special to me anymore. As far as i could remember, when i was in Secondary 1, i celebrated this day with my dearest god-brother, Kenny. The only time i celebrated this day with someone i love was when i was in Secondary 2, 14 years old. Wasnt anything special, guessed we were all too young then. Spent the next Valentine day when i was in Secondary 3 with Kenny again. It was nothing like a date, just a get together with my brother. Was alone when i was in Secondary 4 and last year i stayed home the whole day, remembering clearly it was a fine Saturday.
Kelvin dated me out last year, but i lied that i was sick and wasnt feeling well. To my surprise, he actually drove down to my place close to midnight with a box of chocolates, a pink My Melody cushion, a get well card and some fruits. I was shocked.
This year, i spent the whole morning and noon in school. Lessons ended at 12pm. Had lunch, did my projects, went for A&F open house skit rehearsal, did my projects again, had dinner with Angie in the school's canteen and home sweet home. No, im not complaining, im not whining, im pretty happy with how the day was spent cos i did what im supposed to do.
I din wanna come home early cos i bet daddy and mummy would start questioning me. I din wanna go out with my girlfriends out to town because i dread the sight of big bouquet of flowers and the lovey dovey couples holding hands with wide smiles grinning from ear to ear. Im jealous, yes i am. But which singles wouldnt? So i thought by hiding myself in the school's lab would save me from those "unsightly" stuffs. But guess what? The girl (who i do not know) who sat beside me in the lab was surprised by her boyfriend with an uber big bouquet of lilies (omg, my favourite white lilies) and 10 uber big red hearted balloons. I could even smell the flower scent so strongly and it really made me
mad sad. Then Angie and I decided to go to the canteen, hoping that there wouldnt be anymore of such things. And guess what again? Once we peeped in there, i saw a bouquet of red roses on a girl's table. How sweet. -.-
Enough grumbling and all. Lets talk about the previous days.
On Friday, Flight of the Phoenix was good with Edwin. He left for work at Thumpers at about 9+pm. I met up with Ting and Bird aftermath. Caught another movie at midnight upon meeting up with the rest a while later. Constatine was fantastic. We sat at the 3rd row from the screen and everything seems so big and scary. I was kinda scared, but i still enjoyed this genre of movie.
Saturday was my relatives' turn to visit my place. But i left in the evening to Shalyn's place. Slacked around and waited for the others to arrive. It was drinking day and the main objective was to let loose, get high and drunk, collapsing on the bed without control. I was high for a moment, but the feeling disappeared soon after and no matter how much more i drank, i couldnt feel high anymore. I did not get drunk. And that's weird because im not a good drinker and i cant drink for nuts. Dont believe? Ask around. Haha. plan failed and im not happy about it. >.<
Long enough for the lonely singles out there with no dates to past time? I hope so. Good day to all.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 7:01:00 pm
Friday, February 11
I know im late, but
Was damn busy these days, wasnt at home most of the time. Day in day out, im playing cards and mahjong at my relative's place or with my parents at home. Been really tired these days as i din get much sleep.
Day One, i only went to my ah ma's place. And guess what? We reached there about 1pm and she wasnt at home? All of us were shocked and we gotta wait outside her unit for about 15 minutes before she arrive. Thank goodness it was quite hard to find a parkling slot, so daddy arrived only after my ah ma reached home. If not he's gonna scream and nag like a old woman. lol.
Didnt really do much over there, all my other relatives came during evening time. So my own family started playing mahjong first. Lunch was good, though every year ah ma cooks the same dishes, but its damn nice. Well, i only see her during the lunar new year, so i kinda miss her food throughout the rest of the year.
Day Two, visited my daddy's friend who gave us Ebony. At the same time, visited Ebony's parents and siblings. Omg, they are all so damn cute. They have like 5 chihuahuas altogether in their big house with 4 damn expensive cars. All convertibles. I wanna him to be my sugar daddy! So i'll have a car to drive too. lol. Mummy asked me to tackle his son, but wtf? Tackle his son just for a car? So not worth it. lol.
Anyway, Ebony's mama and papa are both damn fat and heavy. But Ebony's sister is so small size and cute. We should have brought Ebony along, i bet its gonna be damn cute and funny to see the family unite. Wonder if they could still remember her. hmm..
After which, headed to my da gu house and then to my cousin's place at Yishun. As usual, the gamblings and all. Won a little but lost it all when i reached home and played mahjong with daddy mummy and meimei. Luckily daddy and mummy didnt collect their winnings for me, they merely told me to pay my sister. FINE. hahhaa.
Today, im not going visiting anymore. Its time for a good rest. I'll be meeting Edwin for a movie later then meet up the usuals aftermath. Tomorrow is gonna be a busy day again. My relatives are all coming to my place, but i'll be leaving to Shalyn's place in the evening to bai nian and drink. And we're gonna drink till we get drunk and collapse. I bet the feeling is damn shiok. I hope i wont spout nonsense and sms people again.
Have a good day and may you people win lots and lots of money. But my dear rabbits, dont push your luck too much. We are the most unlucky animal this year. Right Lucas? lol.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 12:09:00 pm
Tuesday, February 8
Just emerged from a hot and refreshing bath, no longer feeling oily and stinky anymore. Yay. After school today, had a rehearsal for the open house thingy. After which, headed to the lab to complete my projects. We sorta completed everything, all was left was some elaborations and the final editing. Feeling happy and rejoicing, Leanne and I left hurriedly for our manicure appointment. Guess what? We left the floppy disk in the CPU and no one took it out. So all our effort went down the drain and damn, the feeling sucks a hell lot.
My nails broke, so i didnt paint my nails. All i did was to buffer and apply the top coat. Ugly nails i have. >.< Rushed down to Tampines interchange to meet my bestie before heading to Marina South for steamboat as our reunion dinner. Its so oily and fatty, oil splashing onto our hands and face, even my bag. Yucks. So, we headed to Ting's house for a little while and i left for home first. Too tired.
Will be visiting my dear teachers in my secondary school tomorrow. I just love my school teachers. Yes, Faith 4/3 rocks a hell lot. Then i'll be rushing back to Temasek Poly for my MBS tutorial. Sucky. I wanna skipped it but Vincent Lim is returning the papers tomorrow. Irritating sial.
I hate to whine so much, but oh man, that guy has a hot body. wahhahah. Bye.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:33:00 am
Sunday, February 6
Was on a shopping spree today with meimei in town. Was supposed to meet up with another friend whom im not gonna mention who as well. And fortunately, he didnt turn up or there will be disaster. Thank goodness.
Yesterday was Royston's birthday. Happy birthday to you! Omg, you're 21! Turning to a old man soon. Why are all my friends so old and yet im not even 18? huh huh huh. I wanna club at Chinablack and Zouk and everywhere else. Maybe Edwin can help me. =D
Anyway, got home really early last night. Was in a foul mood. Ive this very weird and uncomfortable feeling within me, i do not know why i feel this way but its not right. Cant wait to meet up with Shalyn, just the two of us and we will talk and drink the night away.
And yes as usual, im feeling really down and moody. Its beyond comprehension. So dont bother asking me why and asking how or asking what. Cos i'll scream right into your ears and scold the hell out of you. P/s : im not that violent after all, i was kidding? say "hahaha" and "hehehe", laugh.
Oh whatever, but please please please, dont let me fall in love cos i do not want to.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 11:48:00 pm
Friday, February 4
> Tp Pageant
[add]Alright, nagged for not thanking some humans who supported me. Here goes, thanks to Dave and friends, thanks to the ChungCheng guys, i saw some of ya voting for me, thanks to Bird and friends, the bunch of dragon boaters, and Bird, whats with that stack of pink cards i saw on your hands? lol. Thanks to Lijuan and friends, for rushing over after your tutorial to support me, thanks to my barbies, thanks thanks. Thank you all so much! (I hope i din really miss out any important people out there) Just as much, i forgot. Thanks mummy! For that good luck wishes via sms. wahhaha. Oh yah, i pulled my thigh muscles during the dance, its hurting badly. -pouts- [/add]
Omg, Fiza is damn hot. Quite expectedly. But i din expect her dance to be THAT hot and sexy. She's one great dancer i must say. Anyhow, congratulations to you Fiza and Ron!
Would like to extend my thanks to my dear friends who skipped their tutorials to support me. Thanks Anisah, Grace, Samantha, Gena, Yiling, Gabriel, Sunny etc etc etc. Not forgetting peeps who i do or do not know and yet voted for me. Thank you.
It was pretty obvious who would have won right from the start, and as usual i was damn nervous and scared. My legs were shaking throughout while i stand on the stage. Glad it's all over. Would like to thank those people who encouraged me last night. Thanks to you barbies, Raymond, Derek, Andy, Joshua Kho and etc etc.
Enough of all the thanking and all. Lunch was superb cos i had KFC. Omg. Sinful. Whats the best thing to do after a good full lunch? Its time for bed. Lol. Prolly going to the gym and have a swim tonight, that's if Ms Lian Meiting decided to wake up and give me a ring.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:10:00 pm
Thursday, February 3
> omgomgomg
Omgomgomg number 1: omgomgomg Shalyn is back! Yay im so happy. I cant wait to see her, go to her new house and drink till we die. How about shirley temple? lol. Muacks to you.
Omgomgomg number 2: omgomgomg im-not-going-to-tell-you-what-it-is, but im very happy and excited over it. Yay im so happy. lol. Waiting..anticipating..
Omgomgomg number 3: omgomgomg its tomorrow and my legs are still soaring and aching from the Captain's Ball match. I cant possibly lift up my legs at all. I cant even walk straight or sit down, talk about lifting and jumping. Oh man. this sucks. Ive yet to choreograph and practice, not even burn the music into the CD. All im doing is listen to the music over and over again non stop, trying to get some inspiration? Oh wait, its not working i guess. omgomgomg.
Omgomgomg number 4: Ive got back 3 papers and all of them are damn disappointing. Its all like few marks away from getting an A. tmd. Oops, did i just swear? Whatever it is. TMD. And its all careless mistakes. I hate it! One paper missed by 3 marks, one paper missed by 2 marks and one paper missed by half a mark! TMD. Okay, stop swearing. TMD. =x
Enough of omgomgomg. Im going to have dinner, watch tv and try to choreograph my dancesteps. And of cos, to go online.
ps: Shit you Lyn, how can you not come support your bestie at her "deathbed" tomorrow. But its okay, cos i will still love you. TMD. hmph. >.< -pouts-
sealed-with-a-kiss < 7:22:00 pm
Tuesday, February 1
> Captain's Ball
Im totally worn out, really exhausted. My energy's drained like 99% and the last 1% is used to type this cannot-be-missed entry and chatting online. lol.
School started at 10, ended at 4+pm and i rushed down to the basketball court to have our captain's ball competition. It was fantastic. Im so proud of myself cos i managed to survive in the game when it all ended at 9pm. I ran so much, and oh boy, its been years since i actually worked out and exercise. I think the last time was when im in Sec4 PFT ? omg. That's freaking long.
Right, so we emerged in the 4th place. But im very glad the team cooperated well cos we only know each other today. Something like that lah huh. And hey, i met new friends! wahhaha. Ive no idea why but i just felt really happy today.
Cassandra and i were talking about tampons to the guys during dinner time. Quite sick i know, but wahhahaha. Its just so funny i burst out laughing like nobody's business. Dave, Cass and her boyfriend Bryan and i went for dinner. Vincent, Delong and Eddie came to joined us shortly after. New friends made. hohohahahehe.
Hello Raymond, i saw ya again first. Ive got powerful eyes i swear. haha. I just got home and had my bath. Im going to collapse real soon. Im so happy! Shalyn's coming back tomorrow! Yayyyyy. Darling girl, i just miss you so.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 11:34:00 pm